Yom Kippur Blues


Yom Kippur Blues

by Tzvi Fievel Schnee

As Yom Kippur approaches, these Days of Awe, between the start of the new year, and the day of atonement can be described as an interim period, wherein we still have time to rectify our soul (tikkun hanefesh) as the door is still open to receive our acts of teshuvah, tefillah, and tsedokah. How we focus on our derech (walk) with G-d, during these days, will set the tone of our reconciliation with Him, that will continue to grow throughout the year. Yet, we need to put our best foot forward.

Too often, we are caught up in gashmios (materialism), neglecting our connection with the Creator of this world. How unfortunate that everything the world has to offer us seems more important than the One who placed everything in the world for our benefit, not for our entertainment. We have a responsibility to avdah ul’shamrah (serve and observe). We are to serve G-d, and observe His commandments.

Yet, there are many distractions in this world, that may throw us off course. The original blueprint of the world, along with its corresponding guidelines for proper maintenance are lost in the din of modernity. And, time passes, taking its toll on our collective memory, shared heritage, and common ancestry. New gods arise every century to steal our allegiance away from the only Source of our Life, Who deserves our devotion, gratitude, and praise, more than any human being, man made utopia, or political movement.

On Shabbat Shuvah, the shabbos between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur, we are called to further evaluate our lives, taking into consideration, that all of the negative aspects of ourselves, may be changed for the good. We have the opportunity to do so, especially for the sake of our renewed commitment to G-d, life, and our fellow human being. Now is the time, perhaps, more than any other during the year, to expand our horizons in regard to our individual potential to improve ourselves. This year, with all of the challenges that are still upon us, may be seen with new eyes, a fresh perspective, and an expanded awareness that transcends our limitations.

Avinu Malkeinu (Our Father, Our King)