Journey of Life

“Know from where you come, and where you are going, and before whom you are destined to give an account and reckoning.” – Pirkei Avos 3:1,

Our past, present and future are key to understanding ourselves. An acknowledgment of our past will help us gain a better foundation in the present. From here, we can set goals, based not only our abilities, rather, also in recognition of our limitations. Both our strengths and weaknesses are important to acknowledge. If our individual pasts were less than perfect, as everyone would have to admit in sincerity, then we need to keep this in mind, in regard to our self-expectations. Not that the past should weigh us down; rather, that an honest consideration of how past challenges brought us to where we are at current in our lives, will help us gather our whole self together in order to face the future.

Ultimately, we are accountable to the Heavens above for the way we live our life. So, if our past is of humble origin, as the teaching declares is universally common, we have nothing to boast of; nor, can we ultimately claim greatness, since the end of all human beings is the same. As is written, “the body returns to the dust of the earth; and, the spirit returns to G-d” (Ecclesiastes). Thus, we must also keep in mind that there will be an account of our lives that we will have to give at the end of our journey; and, there will be a reckoning of the deeds of our lives. Elsewhere, this is known as the Judgment.

This is alluded to as written, “And most of your people will awake, some to eternal life and some to eternal condemnation” (Daniel 12:2). There is nothing in this life that should be done casually, as if it is of no importance. Our time on earth is precious; and, the thoughts in our minds, speech from our mouth, and actions that we commit will all be weighed on the scales of justice & mercy. Not justice only; rather, justice tempered with mercy. We would do well to keep this in mind, and begin to redeem the time, so that every moment counts in the eyes of the beholder. We are beholden to G-d and should turn over our lives to Him. Inasmuch that our ultimate fate depends on how we live this life, we should be placing the goods deeds of our lives in our spiritual bank account. We will receive the dividends upon entering Olam Haba (the World to Come).

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