Regret Me Not

As a ba’al teshuvah, I should feel more than ashamed for my past sinful ways, I should feel sincere regret. In other words, I should feel remorse for the way I lived my life, even though at the time, it was more or less like most of the peers my age in the secular world. What was typically viewed as normal teenage behaviors and activities for most of my peers, would be substandard by way of the values promoted by G-d’s kitvei kodesh (holy scripture).

I am currently part of a congregation, wherein we receive many orthodox and Hasidic visitors, especially over the summer. Sometimes, young Chassidic couples, newly married will spend Shabbat. This past Shabbat, one such couple was visiting; at lunch, they were seated nearby, across from the rabbi’s table where I sat. So, I was amongst several chasidim, including the rabbi.

I realized at some point later, that had I been raised properly, I could have been at the same level, so to speak, as the chasid sitting nearby. My cousins are chasidim who grew up in Borough Park. They are the descendants of my great-grandfather’s brother. So, two different lines of descendants from great-great-grandfather, who was a Chassidic rabbi, ordained, yet probably did not lead an actual congregation, although he was highly respected.

Two sides of the family, completely different because of assimilation on my side of the family and commitment to tradition on the other. Yet, there is a reason for everything, and G-d’s intentions for each individual play out according to that person’s circumstances in life, regardless of yearning, in retrospect, for the grass greener on the other side. A visiting chasid, several weeks ago, made the point clear in an elaborate way, that I do not specifically recall; however, yes, H’Shem arranges everything for the best, to promote the spiritual growth of the soul.


On the Path

In reflecting upon the state of affairs, whereof some Jews are observant and others are not, I realized something important in regard to how I should best view those who have not yet embraced Torah. For myself, it is not that I had ever abandoned Torah in my lifetime. Rather, up until a certain time in my life, I had never embraced Torah, nor knew of its advantages in doing so. Not that we are called upon to observe Torah for our own advantage; however, truly, only in pursuing righteousness can anyone draw closer to G-d, and receive His consolation, even in the midst of suffering.

Yet, as a ba’al teshuvah (returnee to the faith), who only later in life took upon myself “the yoke of heaven,” I recognize the fairness of viewing others who have not yet started on this journey as akin to my own state of mind, before walking in the ways of the mitzvot. How can anyone reject what they have never known, nor sincerely considered? So, if anything, I should feel and exhibit compassion to others, who I would hope to see transformed by G-d’s grace upon them, drawing them near to Him through His words.

For everyone, it is different in regard to the bridge that is crossed into the Promised Land. When we are able to observe the mitzvot with devotion we are well on the way. In acknowledgement that we are still on a journey, rather than having already arrived at the destination, each individual is somewhere along the way. For myself, it’s being on the derech (path, way) that counts the most in my life. May others also be brought into the clearing whereof they may begin anew, and journey along the road toward faith and devotion, according to the individual expression of the soul, and G-d’s guidance for their lives.


Wake Up Call

I woke up this morning, as the remnant of a dream lingered in my soul. All was foretold long ago; and, yet we seem to get so little of a glimpse on occasion into this hope for redemption. My academic background is in psychology; needless to say, I began to analyze my dream: Rockets turned into butterflies, and missiles turned into doves; the sky became bright blue, as light descended from above. As if in an overnight occurrence, the Third Temple appeared in Jerusalem; and, the king entered through the Eastern Gate.

Yet, before he could reach the throne, the processions stopped. The King exclaimed, “I can go no further.” Everyone looked astonished and turned one to another in wonder. Then, I woke up with the following words spoken quietly in my mind: the redemption will not occur until you correct your spelling mistake. So, I laughed and smirked, and went back to sleep, thinking, oh, what a silly dream. Later, I wrote in my journal that this dream was a wish-fulfillment tinged with anxiety because of my lack of self-esteem. Then, I turned the page in my journal, and continued to write.

What if the dream was a divine portent? I know that mysticism bears some light upon this dream, if I think about the nature of words and their power to move mountains. I recall hearing about a misspelling in a mezuzah scroll that brought ill fortune upon the people who lived at that residence, where the mezuzah was placed on the doorway. When the mistake was found, and the correction made, all turned out well for the family and their descendants. Now, I know there is a principle, isn’t there? “As above so below.” So, our efforts, thoughts and speech in this world have an influence upon the spiritual realm. Hmm.

Then, I realized, that I had recently written a poem about the Geulah. As usual, I placed the appropriate tags on the post for ease of accessibility and viewership; however, I wonder if I misspelled the word, redemption. So, I decided to check, half-heartedly remaining skeptical. Lo and behold, I had misspelled the word, redemption, spelling the word without the second “e” – redmption. I added the letter “e,” and quietly made my usual cup of green tea in the morning. I had a glimmer of hope in my heart, wondering if I had actually in some small way contributed to the hastening of the Geulah. After all, isn’t there a saying about how one mitzvah can change the entire world? Hmm.

I sat back down at my desk in front of the computer screen. I sat silently in deep thought. I decided to check the likes for that poem. There were the usual likes from people who read my posts from time to time; there were also some likes from bloggers that were not previously known to me. I checked the comments; many of the comments were in keeping with the usual recipients; yet, there were a few from others I had not seen previously in the comments section.

I continued with my day, not letting my dreams hold sway over reality. An hour later, I checked the post again; the likes were climbing higher than usual; and, the comments kept pouring in one after the other. Hmm. I must have struck a chord in the heartstrings of like-minded bloggers. I decided to place the poem on Facebook, Instagram, and another blog of mine. Then, I continued to work on some other tasks until dusk; studied the usual subjects, and called it a day.

The next day there was a bright light in my room, and it was not even daylight yet. I thought that I was still dreaming. Perhaps, I was still sleeping, I thought to myself; so, I decided to make a cup of tea. There was music emanating from my computer; yet, the pc was still closed for I always close up my laptop overnight. Normally, the music app only works when the laptop is open. I did not even recognize the song. Then, I began listening to the lyrics, “Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, working wonders?” I realized that these are the words of Az Yashir, giving praise to H’Shem, for having led us out of Egypt and split the Sea of Reeds.

Where was the music coming from? The online morning service that I attend had not even begun, so this couldn’t have been from the liturgy. The choir singing the song sounded as if composed of thousands of voices. Then, I remembered the commentary on this verse: the sages point out that the verb tense is in the future; in other words, not “Then Moses sang;” rather, “Then Moses [and the people] will sing.” When? According to chazal, after the Tehillas haMeisim (Resurrection of the Dead) at the beginning of the Messianic Age.

I couldn’t believe what I was thinking. Could this really be? Or was I still dreaming? I went into the restroom to splash some water upon my face. Then, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes. I looked as if I was twenty years old again. Wait. Didn’t my friend once tell me that when Moshiach appears, those who are alive at the time will be transformed? And, that they will have a resurrection body like that of a twenty-year old? Could this really be happening?

I decided to check the news. All of the Israeli papers, including Arutz Sheva, the Jerusalem Post, and Ha’aretz had live coverage at the Western Wall. Is the Redemption at hand? Is the Geulah being broadcast around the world? Will all eyes behold him? As is written, “And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives” (Zechariah 14:4, JPSN). “I would behold G-d while still in my flesh, I myself, not another, would behold Him; would see with my own eyes” (Job 19:26-27, JPSN). Amein and amein.
